

Articles Wanted Can you write? We are looking for individuals that can write articles in their subject matter expertise areas. Let the depth and breadth of your expert knowledge be exposed to thousands of our newsletter readers. Get your expertise advertised to the world for FREE.




Welcome to our Instructor Information page. At Skills2Succeed, we are always actively looking for talented and qualified instructors that can make a difference in the lives of people by imparting the knowledge they have acquired through their hard work and experience in this world.
If you have an “expertise” or a “unique knowledge” in any particular area where people could benefit from your knowledge and expertise, then we are looking for you. You could be a highly technical person with a Ph.D. in a specific area or expertise. You could be a Plumber or a Home Renovator or an Electrician with an unique knowledge and expertise in the area of your business. You could be an Engineer with expertise in the area of a specific CAD software. You could be an Accountant with an unique expertise in tax codes and tax saving skills. You could be a life skills, interview, parenting or an interpersonal communications coach with an already established excellent reputation about your ability to train and guide people in the right direction. You could be an expert in the Health or Dietary fields. It does not matter what your education is or what your area of expertise is. All we are looking for is that you must be an “expert” in your subject matter.
It does not matter what your academic or educational background is. Nor does it matter if you are not an expert in everything. If you are an expert in something, even just one single thing or you are someone who possess some kind of unique knowledge in a particular subject matter which has demands within our population and they could benefit from it, then we are looking for you. Please send in your resume and other relevant information using the Submit Credential link below. Please remember you may have to register or login first to use this link.
It may also help you to take a look at our Prospective Courses page to see what kind of Courses/Events we plan to offer in the future. But it is only to give you an idea. We create new courses all the time. If your subject matter is not listed, feel free to suggest us a new subject matter area, so that we can arrange for a new course/event in that area. Send us your supporting resume and relevant credentials and you may be facilitating a workshop or an event, sooner than you know.
Whether or not a course is listed on the Prospective Courses page or Currently Offered Courses page, when we do plan to offer a course, we first consider the resumes and credentials already on file before advertising it. So it helps to send in your resume and credentials for future opportunities, whether an opportunity is currently listed or not. It helps to keep your resume / credentials on file for quick action.
We categorise our offerings loosly into six skill categories as follows:
Engineering & Technology
Healthcare, Bio-Sciences & Life Sciences
ManagemenT, Business & Accounting
Computer & Information Technology
Industry & Trade
GeneRAL, Communication, Soft & Life Skills
However, this categorisation has no hard-and-fast meaning other than to give the attendees a general idea of the nature of the Course/Event. This is common practice when it is not possible to determine the nature of the Event from the name or topic alone.
If you have developed course materials for a particular course, but can not deliver it yourself, we will be happy to arrange another instructor for the delivery and presentation of the course. If we offer the course to the public, you will earn royalty for it. So please send in your developed course materials for evaluations.
If you are ready, please send in your Credentials.
--- Happy Skills Development.
Upcoming Courses
To register in any of the Courses below, please click in the box. If the course link is not active, the registration has not yet started. If you like to pre-register (10% discount) in any of the Courses, please send an e-mail to our Customer Service at cs@skills2succeed.net. Once the links become active, they fill up very quickly. So, please check back soon and visit frequently.
PLC Programming - A Manager’s Knowledge Bank Dates: Jan 28, 2010. Location: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Why Astrology is Science - Five Good Reasons Dates: January 21, 27 and Feb 2, 4, 2010. Location: Various, Ontario, Canada
Project Management Certification Preparation Dates: February 8 to 12,2010. Location: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Job Searching Technique in a Recession Market - what to do, what NOT to do. Date: Jan 18, 2010 Location: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
PEO Law & Ethics Exam Prep Workshop. Dates: January 30, 2010. Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
How to save on taxes and file your own tax returns online. Dates: January 25, 2010 Location: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
More Courses ...
Like to teach any of the above Courses in the future? Send an e-mail to our Customer Service at cs@skills2succeed.net.