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You can also visit the external useful links given below:
Deepak Chopra and his spiritual website:
Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities:
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Upcoming Courses
To register in any of the Courses below, please click in the box. If the course link is not active, the registration has not yet started. If you like to pre-register (10% discount) in any of the Courses, please send an e-mail to our Customer Service at cs@skills2succeed.net. Once the links become active, they fill up very quickly. So, please check back soon and visit frequently.
PLC Programming - A Manager’s Knowledge Bank Dates: Jan 28, 2010. Location: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Why Astrology is Science - Five Good Reasons Dates: January 21, 27 and Feb 2, 4, 2010. Location: Various, Ontario, Canada
Project Management Certification Preparation Dates: February 8 to 12,2010. Location: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Job Searching Technique in a Recession Market - what to do, what NOT to do. Date: Jan 18, 2010 Location: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
PEO Law & Ethics Exam Prep Workshop. Dates: January 30, 2010. Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
How to save on taxes and file your own tax returns online. Dates: January 25, 2010 Location: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
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Like to teach any of the above Courses in the future? Send an e-mail to our Customer Service at cs@skills2succeed.net.